Executive summary and message from the Executive Director
2024 will be the third full year of IHI JU implementation. The Programme Office will continue to commit funds to build new multi-sectorial public private projects that take advantage of the ongoing technology convergence in the health sector, advances in digitalisation and the use of ‘big’ data. By doing so, we aim to accelerate the pace of innovation and allow access to the results for a large portion of the EU population, especially patients and their carers.
We will also focus on optimising the dissemination and exploitation of results coming from projects launched under IHI JU and the large legacy of IMI projects that IHI JU is managing.
We will implement all of this taking care to abide by the principles of sound financial management which have permitted a clean opinion from the European Court of Auditors in prior years.
We will continue to proactively communicate about opportunities for funding for IHI JU ensuring the widest possible involvement from all sectors, SMEs and the widening and low- and medium-income countries.
IHI JU will drive new partnerships and seek synergies with those organisations and programmes with likeminded or convergent agendas. The contacts already established in this regard with the other JUs set-up under Horizon Europe (such as GH EDCTP3 JU), the Cancer Mission, HERA and EIT Health will be further developed
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