Leuphana Summer School 2024
Join the 10th summer school on chemistry for sustainable development in July 2024!
The focus on the 2024 edition is sustainable chemistry and Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design and takes place in Lueneburg, Germany. The programme includes a theoretical part (lectures) and practical workshops, group discussions and an excursion to exemplify and deepen practical aspects of sustainable chemistry and SSbD.
The Summer School is designed for postgraduates and young professionals who deal with or are professionally interested in the topic of sustainable chemistry as a crosscutting issue. The Summer School is free of charge.
Part 1
General Concepts and Approaches of Sustainable Chemistry
- Concepts of Green and Sustainable Chemistry
- EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
- Circular Economy and resources use
- Benign by Design
- System Approach
Part 2
Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD)
- The SSbD framework proposed by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission
- Roadmaps for implementation
- Tools that can be used to define SSbD chemicals and materials
- Gaps and challenges that hinder the implementation of SSbD
- The value chain perspective to implement SSbD
- How SSbD can drive innovations
The 10th Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development is organised jointly by the Research and Education Hub of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaboration Centre (ISC3), the Chair for Sustainable Chemistry and Material Resources at the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry of Leuphana University Lüneburg and the IRISS project.
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