On 12 September 2024, we are holding our BioNanoNet Annual Forum in Graz, Austria with the foucs topic: “Sustainability in Pharma”.
The Annual Forum will be a Satellite Event of the ECCPM Forum (European Consortium for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing) which takes place from 11 – 12 September 2024. The joint afternoon session will be dedicated to “Sustainability in Pharma”. In the evening the networking event will offer the opportunity of individual consultations with the National Contact Point for Health and will bring together BioNanoNet members with the partners and joint organizers RCPE – Research Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering and the Human.technology Styria GmbH Cluster. We expect an international audience, consisting of scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and industry.
The registration for the BioNanoNet Annual Forum & BNN Networking Session is already closed now.
We are looking forward to your participation!
The BNN team
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