Streamline budget calculation in Horizon Europe proposals
In this article we’ve collected tips on how to successfully budget a project with many stakeholders and turn budget calculation into a straightforward process.
Navigating through Horizon Europe financial guidelines
Get an overview of the Horizon Europe financial guidelines and rules of participation, as well as the legal framework for individual projects.
How to write an outstanding Excellence Section for a Horizon Europe proposal
This article provides a detailed step-by-step overview and expert tips on how to write an outstanding Excellence Section for your proposals.
Position your organisation as a Horizon Europe partner of choice
Get expert advice on how to present your organisation effectively, maintain a complete public profile, communicate your ideas successfully to become a Horizon Europe partner of choice.
Tackling the gender aspects in Horizon Europe proposals
This article answers the majority of gender related questions in the Horizon EU programme, as well as provides you with some expert tips on how to manage the three gender aspects in your proposals.