On 7th of October 2020 the 4th EU-Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety took place virtually
The 4th EU-Asia dialogue on Nanosafety was performed in a way to make progress from discussions towards implementation of actions. Thus, already developed initiatives have been presented as well as findings from previous workshops.
Specific activities and recommendations from that pre-work have been central part of the meeting, (i) already in the preparation in the information package to bring all participants on the same information level, and (ii) during the event with excellent talks and working sessions.
A report about this EU-Asia dialogue is now available. This meeting report includes recommendations (breakout session A), which research needs shall be addressed within future programs (e.g. Horizon Europe, actional programs in Europe and Asia, etc.) and what are the take home messages from the governance discussions (breakout session B).
The presentation slides can be downloaded HERE.
Thus, the report focusses on the results of the breakout sessions and a short “action plan on the way towards the 5th EU-Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety”. Some colleagues have also shared publications specifically relevant for the participants. Please find those added at the end of this report.
Now feel free to download the REPORT of the 4th EU Asia Dialogue on Nanosafety!